Surrogate Mothers

Babies Born
Success Ratio
0 %

Stieracie žreby sú jednou z najobľúbenejších foriem hazardných hier na svete. Ich popularita sa rozšírila aj do online kasínového prostredia, kde hráči môžu zažiť zábavu a napätie pri odhaľovaní výherných symbolov. V tejto článku sa pozrieme na to, prečo stieracie žreby online sú také obľúbené a aké výhody ponúkajú hráčom.

Jednoduchosť a rýchlosť

Jednou z najväčších výhod stieracích žrebov online je ich jednoduchosť a rýchlosť. Hráči nemusia mať žiadne špeciálne znalosti alebo stratégie, aby mohli hrať. Stačí im len vybrať svoj stierací žreb, zvoliť stávku a jednoducho odobrať virtuálny povlak, aby odhalili výherné symboly. Bez dlhých čakacích časov a komplikovaných pravidiel môžu hráči okamžite zažiť zábavu a napätie stieracích žrebov.

Rôznorodosť tém a grafika

Online stieracie žreby ponúkajú pestrú škálu tém a grafických dizajnov. Hráči môžu vyberať medzi rôznymi tematikami, ako sú šport, fantasy, dobrodružstvo, zvieraťá a mnoho ďalších. Každý stierací žreb má unikátny vizuálny štýl a grafické prvky, ktoré pridávajú zábavu do hry. Tieto pekné a farebné grafiky pritiahnu hráčov a robia z hrania stieracích žrebov vizuálny zážitok.

Okamžité výhry a výherné potenciály

Stieracie žreby online ponúkajú okamžité výhry, čo je jednou z ich najväčších príťažlivostí. Hráči nemusia čakať na výsledok žrebovania alebo závisieť od komplexných pravidiel. Stačí jednoducho odobrať virtuálny povlak a odhaliť, či vyhrali alebo nie. Okrem toho, mnohé stieracie žreby majú vysoký výherný potenciál a ponúkajú hráčom šancu vyhrať veľké sumy peňazí alebo ďalšie ceny.

Možnosť vyskúšať bezplatné verzie

Online kasína často ponúkajú bezplatné verzie stieracích žrebov, čo je výhodou pre začiatočníkov alebo hráčov, ktorí chcú vyskúšať nový žreb. Hráči môžu vyskúšať rôzne stieracie žreby bez rizika straty skutočných peňazí. Toto umožňuje hráčom sa oboznámiť s herným prostredím a pravidlami a získať dôveru predtým, než sa rozhodnú hrať so skutočnými stávkami.

Mobilná prístupnosť

Mobilná prístupnosť je jednou z veľkých výhod stieracie žreby online zadarmo. Bez ohľadu na to, či ste doma alebo na cestách, môžete si vychutnať svoje obľúbené stieracie žreby priamo z vášho mobilného zariadenia. Tu je prehľad niektorých výhod, ktoré mobilná prístupnosť prináša:

  • Flexibilita hrania: Mobilné zariadenia, ako smartfóny a tablety, umožňujú hráčom hrať stieracie žreby kedykoľvek a kdekoľvek. Už sa nemusíte viazať na počítač alebo stolný počítač, aby ste si užili svoje obľúbené hry. Stačí mať mobilné zariadenie a spojenie s internetom a môžete sa pustiť do hry kedykoľvek máte chuť.
  • Kompatibilita s rôznymi platformami: Stieracie žreby online sú optimalizované pre rôzne mobilné platformy, ako sú iOS a Android. Bez ohľadu na to, aký operačný systém používate, môžete si byť istí, že si môžete vychutnať stieracie žreby na svojom mobilnom zariadení. Táto kompatibilita znamená, že nemusíte sa obmedzovať na konkrétny typ zariadenia.
  • Intuitívne ovládanie: Mobilné stieracie žreby majú často intuitívne ovládanie, prispôsobené pre dotykové obrazovky. Jednoducho môžete otvoriť aplikáciu alebo webovú stránku kasína na svojom zariadení, vybrať svoj žreb a použiť pohyby prstov na odhaľovanie výherných symbolov. Ovládanie na dotykových obrazovkách je pohodlné a ľahko ovládateľné.
  • Bezpečnosť a dôvera: Hrať stieracie žreby na mobilnom zariadení nemusí znamenať kompromis v bezpečnosti. Renomované online kasína zabezpečujú bezpečné spojenie a ochranu dát, aby vaše osobné informácie a finančné transakcie boli chránené. Môžete si byť istí, že vaše hranie na mobilnom zariadení je bezpečné a spoľahlivé.

Mobilná prístupnosť stieracích žrebov online je pre hráčov veľkou výhodou. Ponúka flexibilitu, pohodlie a zábavu na cestách. Bez ohľadu na to, či si hráči užívajú stieracie žreby na smartfóne alebo tablete, môžu očakávať optimálny herný zážitok.


Stieracie žreby online ponúkajú hráčom jednoduchú a vzrušujúcu formu zábavy s možnosťou okamžitých výhier. Ich jednoduchosť, rýchlosť a rôznorodosť tematík pritiahnu hráčov rôznych preferencií. Hranie stieracích žrebov je pohodlné, mobilne prístupné a poskytuje príležitosť vyhrať veľké odmeny.

Peter Ganobcík, slovenský expert na kasínové hry a hlavný redaktor portálu OC24SK, zdôrazňuje: "Stieracie žreby online sú populárnou formou zábavy v online kasínach. Ich jednoduchosť, okamžité výhry a rôznorodosť tematík robia z nich obľúbený výber pre hráčov. Bez ohľadu na to, či si hráči vychutnávajú klasické symboly alebo sa ponárajú do fantastických svetov, stieracie žreby online ponúkajú šancu na zábavu a výhru."

SMI in the NEWS


Welcome to
Surrogate Mothers, Inc.

Surrogate Mothers Inc. is the world’s most reputable Surrogacy Agency for Almost 40 Years.

Surrogate Mothers, Inc. began in 1984. Steve Litz started SMI because of his own struggle with infertility. When he was a first-year student at the University of Virginia, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Disease. Steve underwent radiation therapy, and found out his senior year that it might have affected his fertility.  He and his wife Stephanie were fortunate enough that, after trying to have children for 2 years, they conceived twins.  Steve knows firsthand what it is like to desperately want a child and not be able to have one.

How it works

Discover the possibility of having your own child with the
help of Surrogate Mothers, Inc., one of the world’s most
reputable and trusted full-service surrogacy programs.

Discover the possibility of having your own child with the help of Surrogate Mothers, Inc., one of the world’s most reputable and trusted full-service surrogacy programs.

Your Success Is Our
Top Priority

“Steve, you were the greatest! All I can say is my feelings now after having just given birth for a wonderful Daddy are so much better than I ever imagined. I know he’ll be the best father, and I cannot tell you how much being a surrogate has meant to me and my family.”
–Kathy, Richmond
VA (twins born 2/15)

How it works

Discover the possibility of having your own child with the
help of Surrogate Mothers, Inc., one of the world’s most
reputable and trusted full-service surrogacy programs.

Please Call Steven Litz, Director Surrogate Mothers, Inc.

Please Call Steven Litz, Director Surrogate Mothers, Inc.

Surrogate Mothers
Services Offered

Regardless of why you can’t have a child on your own, we can help! You can choose a surrogate to be artificially inseminated with the man’s sperm, you can choose a surrogate who will carry your genetic child, you can combine the man’s sperm with donor eggs or if you’re a single woman you can even use your eggs with donor sperm or donor eggs as well.

Understanding The Difference Between A Gestational Carrier And A Traditional Surrogate

Once you have decided to pursue surrogacy to conceive a child, you’ll need to choose which type of surrogacy is best suited for you — gestational or traditional.

Gestational Surrogacy: Intended Parents Are Genetically Linked To Child (IVF/ET)

Gestational Surrogacy has sometimes been referred to as “A Womb for Rent,”which essentially means you and your significant other would use another woman’s uterus (womb) to carry a child that is biologically yours.

This can be achieved through a process called In vitro fertilization/Embryo Transfer. IVF/ET is a medical procedure that involves retrieving an egg (or eggs) from the female and fertilizing them in a lab with her partner’s sperm.

The fertilized embryos are then placed into the uterus of the gestational carrier/surrogate. If the transfer results in pregnancy, the gestational surrogate will carry and deliver the child, and the husband’s and wife’s names go on the original birth certificate, with no adoption necessary.

Gestational Surrogacy Is A Good Option For An Intended Mother Who:

  • is capable of producing healthy eggs but cannot carry the baby to term for specific reasons (medical or otherwise);
  • has a record of recurrent miscarriage or repeated IVF failure;
  • was born without, or now no longer has, a functioning uterus;
  • had a hysterectomy for carcinoma, cervical or uterine cancer, fibroids, severe endometriosis or other reasons, but still has functional ovaries;
  • suffers from disorders such as adenomyosis, extensive fibroids, or Asherman’s syndrome that makes her uterus unsuitable for pregnancy.

Intended Mother Cannot Produce Eggs But Wants To Use an Egg Donor: Gestational Surrogacy With Egg Donation (IVF/ED)

In vitro fertilization/Egg Donor (IVF/ED) is a procedure where the surrogate still is not biologically related to the child she carries, but in this case, neither is the wife of the couple. The couple has the comfort of knowing that the surrogate has no parental rights over the child since she is not biologically related to it, and by using an egg donor, the couple can focus on certain genetic traits they may find desirable.

Traditional Surrogacy: Surrogate Is Biological Mother (AI)

In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate is artificially inseminated with the sperm of the intended father. The insemination procedure can be conducted at home using an insemination kit, or can be performed by a fertility clinic. The surrogate agrees to carry the child to term, but gives up all parental rights to the biological father and his partner. The non-biological partner then adopts the child via a step-parent adoption, and a new birth certificate listing both partners is created.

Gestational Surrogacy For Male Same-Sex Couples Or Single Men Using An Egg Donor

Male same-sex couples frequently choose surrogacy through an egg donor as well, so one of the male partners (or even both) can be the biological father of the child. In this case, the donor’s eggs are combined with the sperm of the intended father(s), and the resulting embryos are transferred to a surrogate. Single men can also use an egg donor to become a father.

When Both Intended Parents Are Infertile: Using Both Donor Eggs And Donor Sperm

In situations where both the man and the woman in a couple are infertile but still want to achieve pregnancy, donor sperm and eggs can be used together. Infertile couples may also want to consider IVF programs that offer unused embryos donated by patients who were done building their family.

This form of surrogacy is a complex decision because using donated sperm, eggs, or embryos means the child will not be genetically related to either parent. At SMI, we can help connect you to trained counselors or mental health professionals familiar with the issue who can provide counsel as you weigh this decision.

Don’t Put Your Dreams On Hold — Find Out More About Surrogacy Today

The idea of surrogacy can seem overwhelming, exciting, and frightening – all at the same time.

If you are considering surrogacy for your family, it’s important to not only be aware and educated, but also to have the support of an experienced program–with over 30 YEARS of helping families from across the world!

At Surrogate Mothers, Inc., we have an intimate understanding of the surrogacy process. We can help you determine whether surrogacy is right for your family and guide you through the process step-by-step.


Frequently Asked Questions

In SMI’s program, a surrogate must:
  • be between 18-35
  • have previously had a child
  • Live in the U.S., be a U.S. citizen and cannot be from MI (the only state where paid surrogacy is illegal).
  • be a non-smoker
  • weigh less than 200 lbs.
  • be financially and emotionally stable
The typical surrogate is 28, married, employed, and solidly middle class.

The single characteristic describing all of our surrogates is altruism.

The women in our program are generous, caring, healthy women. They become surrogates to help people have families. Unlike other programs which look for poor women (based on the mistaken belief that a poor woman is less likely to keep the child), our surrogates are never motivated by financial need. Their fee, which generally is around $20,000-$30,000 is a factor, but never the main reason for their participation.

Couples base their decision on many factors. Some couples select a woman because of her location or physical similarity. Others want a surrogate who is intelligent.  And, just to be clear, although SMI’s site may refer to “couple,” we are happy to work with single men and women, and we are the only program in the world that has never discriminated against clients based on marital status, race, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

All couples look for a woman who:

  • is healthy, both emotionally and physically
  • has no significant medical/psychological difficulties
  • is able to conceive easily, and has a history of healthy pregnancies and deliveries (C-sections are fine)
  • is responsible and mature enough to realize that the couple is placing an enormous amount of trust in her to carry their child

 Absolutely. The surrogates go through a variety of different screening processes:

  • references are checked
  • medical records from prior pregnancies are obtained
  • a criminal history check is done
  • the surrogate (and her husband, if married) are given a complete psychological exam. The couple gets a copy of the psychology report, and they make a final decision if the surrogate is acceptable.

Approximately 1% – 2% of all women who initially contact SMI actually end up being accepted into our program.

 Of the 10,000 or so births to surrogates in the country, a woman has refused to relinquish the child less than 1% of the time.

SMI has never had a case of failed surrogacy.

In every case where a surrogate has refused to give up a child, either she was not screened at all, or the couple was not made aware of the psychological findings. When surrogacy is done right, it works, and 


“Success” should only mean one thing: the percentage of couples/individuals who actually end up with a child.

In the AI program, your success rate depends on the male’s sperm count and the surrogate’s ability to conceive.

85% of all of SMI’s clients in the AI program end up with a child.

On average, it takes our surrogates three cycles to conceive. Some take longer. Many get pregnant on the first try.

In the IVF/ET program, the success rates depend primarily on the age of the egg donor. Generally, success rates where the donor is less than 30 are quite good, although success rates vary depending on which clinic you use.


 SMI encourages “open surrogacy,” so in our program the answer is “Absolutely!”

The reason for this is simple: because our surrogates are not doing this for the money, they want (and have every right) to know the types of people for whom they are carrying a child.

Meeting the surrogate allows both sides to make sure that the arrangement will work. Most of our couples stay in contact with their surrogate frequently during the pregnancy.

Even after the birth, many couples still stay in touch with their surrogates (Christmas cards, birthday cards, etc.), although for most couples and surrogates the relationship ends after the baby is born.

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